Thank you for stopping by my site! My name is Darryl, and I’ve put this site together.
I’ve worked professionally as a Software Engineer for years and am now doing consulting work. In my spare time I program video games and thought it would be instructive to put some of the games I’ve done online.
Now every time I learn a new language, I’d generally program a game to get a decent handle on it. After a while I thought, “maybe someone else would like to see these games to get a handle on how to create them”, so this site was born.
The point here is to show how to create different types of games through looking at some popular games and how to create them. These are basic tutorials using basic games to illustrate concepts, so no “Grand Theft Auto” or “Skyrim” type 3d MMORPG extravaganzas here.
So enjoy the site, and hopefully you’ll learn something along the way!